Quote of the Day

On the highest throne in the world man sits on his arse

"On the highest throne in the world man sits on his arse" - Montaigne Picked out of the book "The Denial of Death" from Ernest Becker. The quote is not only humbling for our ego as the dominant and unchallenged species on Earth, but it nicely juxtaposes the dual nature of man, as a self-conscious… Continue reading Quote of the Day

Creativity is the Highest Attainable Goal of Every Individual

Creativity is, in my opinion, a seriously misunderstood ability. In the popular sense of the term it is restricted to people who call themselves artists or for the 'non-creative' it indicates some kind of occupational therapy. However, freely pursuing ones' creativity is much more than just being able to express yourself in a particular material or… Continue reading Creativity is the Highest Attainable Goal of Every Individual

Philosophical Muse #1 – In the end psychology has to give way to theology

people, for example, and women surrender alien philosophy to the timid

"At the very furthest of scientific description, psychology has to give way to "theology" – that is, to a world-view that absorbs the individual's conflicts and guilt and offers him the possibility for some kind of heroic apotheosis." – Ernest Becker I quoted this sentence from the exceptionally revealing book, that I'm currently reading, "The Denial… Continue reading Philosophical Muse #1 – In the end psychology has to give way to theology